1. In a formal conversation with my boss, I have clearly defined the activities that will have the greatest impact on results.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
2. In a formal conversation with my co-workers, I have clearly defined the activities that will have the greatest impact on results.
3. I have written down my vision of what success looks like in my work, and I have written a specific set of goals to help me fulfill my vision.
4. I have written down my vision of what success looks like in my personal life, and I have written a specific set of goals to help me fulfill my vision.
5. I take at least 30 minutes each week to plan my priorities for the coming week.
6. I take at least 10 minutes each day to plan my priorities for the coming day.
7. I have a very effective system for managing my appointments, tasks, contacts, and notes.
8. My email is organized so that I can quickly identify and act on the things that are most important.
9. I generally have plenty of energy to accomplish my priorities throughout the day.
10. I have a consistent pattern of activities that renew my physical and mental energy throughout the day.
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